Product Information and Accuracy

We make every effort to ensure that the product information displayed on our website is accurate. However, product information may change due to various factors, such as manufacturers changing product specifications or typographical errors. Therefore, we do not guarantee that all product information displayed on the website is completely accurate and up-to-date.

Orders and Payments

When you place an order to purchase our products, you will be asked to provide complete and accurate personal information, including your name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number. You agree to pay all charges listed in the order, including product prices, shipping costs, and applicable taxes. Order confirmation will be sent to the email address you provide.

Product Delivery

We will do our best to deliver the products to you in accordance with your order requirements and the specified shipping address. Please ensure that the shipping address provided is accurate to avoid delivery delays or loss. We will not be responsible for any failed delivery due to an incorrect address provided.

Return and Exchange Policy

We have a return and exchange policy, which is detailed on the Return and Exchange Policy page on our website. Please note that some products may not be eligible for returns and exchanges.

Intellectual Property

All content on our website, including but not limited to text, images, logos and trademarks, is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may not copy, modify, distribute or exploit the content in any way without our prior written permission.

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy. Please refer to our Privacy Policy page for detailed information on how we collect, use and protect your personal information.